The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is a U.S. foreign assistance agency that has invested more than $500 million in partner countries to address the land and property rights constraints to economic growth. Since its founding in 2004, MCC focuses on addressing constraints to economic growth in a variety of sectors through large binational grant agreements called compacts and smaller binational grant agreements called threshold programs.
Co-hosted with partners Land Equity International (LEI) and ESRI, this webinar presents a Land Records and Transaction System Assessment and Design Toolkit newly released by MCC and LEI. The toolkit is intended for practitioners in both the public and private sectors to identify optimal technology approaches for strengthened land administration. The toolkit addresses a central question that underpins any thinking on strengthening land records and transaction systems – what level of technological complexity is right for the land records and transaction management needs, institutional environment, and resources that exist?
Ensuring that new land records and transaction system technologies are widely used and sustained after initial roll-out remains a central challenge within the land administration systems of many countries. Aligning system scope, technological complexity, and maintenance and support costs with needs, priorities, internet and electricity availability, financial resources, and data and records quality and quantity is critical to sustained land administration improvements.
The event is the first in a series of two planned webinars hosted by MCC, ESRI, and LEI addressing land administration technology decision-making and tradeoffs.