Thematic Areas

SDG2 Roadmap

A thematic working group of the GDPRD since 2019, the SDG 2 Roadmap Working Group is an informal group of senior officials from different donor agencies that are active in agriculture and food and nutrition security. Chaired by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the group shares a common vision for eliminating rural poverty, hunger and malnutrition through sustainable agriculture-led growth that does not exceed planetary boundaries.

The group aims to work towards developing consensus among donors on a road map for achieving SDG 2, fully aware that SDG2 contains multiple linkages with other SDGs and that making progress on sustainable agriculture and food and nutrition security implies taking a holistic perspective. The group emphasizes that addressing climate change and maintaining focus on the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C target is crucial for the fulfilment of SDG2.

Thematic Areas

SDG2 Roadmap

A thematic working group of the GDPRD since 2019, the SDG 2 Roadmap Working Group is an informal group of senior officials from different donor agencies that are active in agriculture and food and nutrition security. Chaired by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the group shares a common vision for eliminating rural poverty, hunger and malnutrition through sustainable agriculture-led growth that does not exceed planetary boundaries. 

The group aims to work towards developing consensus among donors on a road map for achieving SDG 2, fully aware that SDG2 contains multiple linkages with other SDGs and that making progress on sustainable agriculture and food and nutrition security implies taking a holistic perspective. The group emphasizes that addressing climate change and maintaining focus on the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C target is crucial for the fulfilment of SDG2. 


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Group objectives

Sustainable agricultural development that enables small-scale food producers to double agricultural productivity and incomes (SDG 2.3) while maintaining ecosystems that strengthen capacity for adaption to climate change (SDG 2.4) is the primary focus of this group. For this purpose, we will develop a consensus among donors on a roadmap for achieving SDG2 that will:

Develop an evidence base for improved decision-making.

Milk production improvement in Peru’s Central Sierra

Provide a framework for coordination on key action areas.

Dryzee / Ecofeel Foods

Generate political support and mobilize funding for agriculture, food security and nutrition, and sustainable food systems transformation.

Talking about the SDG2 Roadmap

Talking about the SDG2 Roadmap

We need to find ways of building resilience because we can’t afford, as a global community, a continued sort of humanitarian and emergency support. We try and catalyse our investments to influence policy to have an even greater impact on promoting sustainable food system transformation.

We need to find ways of building resilience because we can’t afford, as a global community, a continued sort of humanitarian and emergency support. We try and catalyse our investments to influence policy to have an even greater impact on promoting sustainable food system transformation.

We are now concentrated on solving the immediate crises, but there will be another crisis coming. It is important to maintain a long-term perspective and also deal with the root causes to hunger and malnutrition.

We are now concentrated on solving the immediate crises, but there will be another crisis coming. It is important to maintain a long-term perspective and also deal with the root causes to hunger and malnutrition.

The 50×2030 initiative and Ceres2030 report made valuable contributions to the UN Food Systems Summit, highlighting the critical importance of data and evidence based approaches to donor investments in food systems.

The 50×2030 initiative and Ceres2030 report made valuable contributions to the UN Food Systems Summit, highlighting the critical importance of data and evidence based approaches to donor investments in food systems.

Beyond the Food Systems Summit, looking at how donors are contributing towards food systems transformation and the SDGs will be one of the key focuses for the SDG2 Roadmap Working Group.

Beyond the Food Systems Summit, looking at how donors are contributing towards food systems transformation and the SDGs will be one of the key focuses for the SDG2 Roadmap Working Group.


Global hunger spiked sharply at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and has remained at stubbornly high levels over the last two years, affecting about 9.2% of the world population in 2022 compared with 7.9% in 2019.

The goal to end hunger and malnutrition by 2030 will not be fulfilled by continuing business-as-usual. Current global trends – increasing conflict, variable weather patterns driven by climate change, constrained resources, limited access to productive resources, income and technology, and a growing population in many regions – threaten worldwide food and nutrition security.

Given that agricultural production is heavily impacting climate change and vice versa, we recognize the urgency of aligning agrifood systems transformation with climate action. As a donor community, we want to increase our development impact, catalyse additional resources, and spur policy changes and actions to realize SDG2, in support of country-led efforts.

As the SDG 2 Roadmap Working Group, we make recommendations and strive to convince our partners and other stakeholders that further action to achieve SDG2 – within the constraints of 1.5°C of climate change – is urgently needed until 2030.

Latest in SDG 2 and Zero Hunger

SDG2 Roadmap Events