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Policy Brief: Achieving the G7 Elmau Commitment in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Climate Change


This Ceres 2030 paper provides policy options for what the G7 can do based on the evidence and research consensus on how much and what action to take—and where to take it—to achieve the Elmau commitment by 2030, while

Policy Brief: Achieving the G7 Elmau Commitment in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Climate Change2022-09-23T11:51:43+02:00

Informal Donor Conversation on COVID-19


As the lockdowns continue worldwide and impacts of Covid-19 keep unfolding, policymakers have not only been put under pressure to make quick decisions, but also to justify their support to agriculture (as well as other sectors) from an emergency

Informal Donor Conversation on COVID-192022-08-26T12:28:53+02:00

COVID-19 and Global Food Security Implications


As the lockdowns continue worldwide and the commentaries on food security and COVID-19 start to come in, the Ceres 2030 initiative held an online reflection on the implications of the COVID -19 pandemic on global food security on 7

COVID-19 and Global Food Security Implications2022-09-23T12:08:30+02:00