The agriculture sector faces many risks and private investors face trade-offs compared to other sectors with higher returns and less risk. That’s where there’s a need for donor coordination with the private sector.
Chris Isaac, AgDevCo
Michelle Tang2024-08-07T16:59:13+02:00We need a new way of thinking about blended finance, one that involves more patience when building investable companies and de-risking industries, especially in agriculture.
Songbae Lee, USAID | Co-Chair, Thematic Working Group on Sustainable/Blended Finance for Food Systems
Michelle Tang2024-07-24T08:40:35+02:00The goal of the group is to increase transparency, develop benchmarks, and build the evidence that will lead to better decision-making and more effective allocation of scarce donor dollars.
Tuleen Alkhoffash, IFAD | Co-Chair, Thematic Working Group on Sustainable/Blended Finance for Food Systems
Michelle Tang2024-07-30T14:06:53+02:00Developing a benchmark to measure the impact of blended finance is very challenging, as each deal comes with different financial and concessional parameters. That is why this group was created.
Tuleen Alkhoffash, IFAD | Co-Chair, Thematic Working Group on Sustainable/Blended Finance for Food Systems
Michelle Tang2024-07-30T11:39:19+02:00We are trying to collectively understand and agree on at least a starting point, from which we can move forward. Our promise to our partners is to continue analyzing and testing until the methodology we develop becomes a reference point.
Michelle Tang2024-07-22T16:22:14+02:00When we look at the news, the world can seem overwhelming but my optimism is sustained by the youth themselves. I am reassured having met champions within governments and civil society organizations who are dedicated to the cause of youth well-being.
David Kaimowitz | Chief Programme Office, The International Land and Forest Tenure Facility
Michelle Tang2024-02-14T10:52:51+01:00The tendency we all have is to prioritize organizations that are able to do the paperwork, rather than organizations who are able to get the results on the ground.
Genna Tesdall | Director, Young Professionals for Agricultural Development
Michelle Tang2024-02-14T10:54:10+01:00Donors today see the power of youth and their potential to bring things forward, but we’re only at step one.
Paul Clements-Hunt | Founder of the Blended Capital Group, former Head of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative
Michelle Tang2024-02-14T10:54:25+01:00Sustainable development is great, but the ability to mobilize finance at scale into these communities is key.
Mia Beers | Deputy Assistant Administrator, USAID Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security
Michelle Tang2024-02-14T10:54:43+01:00Shocks to the global food system are making it difficult for the most vulnerable communities to access sufficient affordable and nutritious food.