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Meet Our Members | Ron Hartman, IFAD


We need to find ways of building resilience because we can't afford, as a global community, a continued sort of humanitarian and emergency support. We try and catalyse our investments to influence policy to have an even greater impact on promoting sustainable food system transformation.

Claudia Sadoff, CGIAR


AGA 2022 Interviews: Claudia Sadoff (CGIAR). Short interviews by the Platform Secretariat during the 2022 Annual General Assembly in Rome, Italy. Five experts talk about national pathways for food systems transformation, the current global food crisis response, and what they want small-scale farmers and the younger generation to know.

Agnes Kalibata, AGRA


AGA 2022 Interviews: Agnes Kalibata (AGRA). Short interviews by the Platform Secretariat during the 2022 Annual General Assembly in Rome, Italy. Five experts talk about national pathways for food systems transformation, the current global food crisis response, and what they want small-scale farmers and the younger generation to know.

Stefanos Fotiou, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub


AGA 2022 Interviews: Stefanos Fotiou (UN Food Systems Coordination Hub). Short interviews by the Platform Secretariat during the 2022 Annual General Assembly in Rome, Italy. Five experts talk about national pathways for food systems transformation, the current global food crisis response, and what they want small-scale farmers and the younger generation to know.

Conrad Rein, GDPRD Co-Chair


As the crisis worsens every day, we must act fast and with determination. Responsible, green and long-term private sector engagement, hand-in-hand with donors and partner countries, is indispensable on the road towards zero hunger.