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New Thematic Working Group on Sustainable/Blended Finance


The GDPRD Secretariat is pleased to announce its latest working group dedicated to sustainable and blended finance for food systems. We are delighted to introduce the Co-Chairs of this new working group, Tuleen Alkhoffash of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Songbae Lee of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). They will guide the group for the two-year term (2024-2026).

New Thematic Working Group on Sustainable/Blended Finance2024-07-24T12:10:12+02:00

Global Donor Platform Annual Report 2023


2022 was an extraordinary year for the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development, with a focus on transforming food systems in times of crisis, and shifting from strategy to implementation. This annual report details many of the achievements with a lens towards 2023.

Global Donor Platform Annual Report 20232024-07-25T09:22:31+02:00

New Donor Platform Co-Chair for the Term 2024-26


The GDPRD Secretariat is pleased to introduce Federica de Gaetano of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) as our new Co-Chair effective 29 May 2024. She joins Bruce Campbell of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in chairing the Donor Platform Board.

New Donor Platform Co-Chair for the Term 2024-262024-07-09T16:47:55+02:00

Unleashing the Catalytic Power of Donor Financing to Achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2: Technical note


This technical note presents the detailed research, findings and recommendations from the enquiry into sustainable finance in agrifood systems conducted in 2023 by the Shamba Centre for Food & Climate in collaboration with members of the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD). This accompanies the summary report released in March 2024, Unleashing the Catalytic Power of Donor Financing to Achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2.

Unleashing the Catalytic Power of Donor Financing to Achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2: Technical note2024-07-25T11:28:31+02:00

Webinar: Decoding the Fundamentals of Development Finance


26 June 2024 | 15:00-17:00 CET | ZOOM. The Global Donor Platform for Rural Development is organizing a series of webinars to help development actors better understand development finance and donor approaches. The first seminar will provide an overview of the main concepts and terms, current architecture and emerging issues in development finance.

Webinar: Decoding the Fundamentals of Development Finance2024-07-24T13:48:36+02:00

Feeding the future: Policy pathways to resilient food systems


Interview with Lee Ann Jackson, Head of the Agro-Food Trade and Markets Division at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). She provides an overview of the OECD’s role in providing data and policy recommendations to governments for informed decisions. Food systems and agricultural trade are an important focus of her work.

Feeding the future: Policy pathways to resilient food systems2024-05-24T15:00:14+02:00