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Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit


7-9 May 2024 | Nairobi, Kenya, Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC) | In-person. The Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health summit will be held to deliberate on Africa’s recent widespread decades-long decline in soil quality of farmland - a phenomenon that continues today and negatively impacts the agricultural production capacity and food security in the continent.

Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit2024-05-13T14:44:10+02:00

Unleashing the Catalytic Power of Donor Financing to Achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2


This report presents the findings and recommendations of the enquiry into sustainable finance in agrifood systems conducted in 2023 by the Shamba Centre for Food & Climate for Donor Platform members. The investigation included a series of interviews which explored how donors, philanthropic organizations, public funds and blended capital funds can make their funding effective and act as an incentive for achieving SDG 2.

Unleashing the Catalytic Power of Donor Financing to Achieve Sustainable Development Goal 22024-07-25T11:55:39+02:00

Understanding sustainable finance in agrifood systems: Concepts and definitions


Wondering what all those terms mean in sustainable finance in food systems and rural development? Here are some definitions of commonly used terminology and key concepts. You can find out more in the joint report by the Donor Platform and the Shamba Centre for Food & Climate, which focuses on how to make donors and public funds more catalytic for food systems through sustainable and blended financing approaches.

Understanding sustainable finance in agrifood systems: Concepts and definitions2024-05-22T17:46:45+02:00

Webinar by SAFIN, GDPRD, Marketlinks: Donors as investment catalysts


28 March 2024 | 14:00 to 15:00 CET | Virtual. Declining rates of official development assistance (ODA) have propelled donor countries to employ innovative ways to attract more private sector investments to agriculture, notably through blended finance. Join the discussion on where donors think concessional capital is best utilized.

Webinar by SAFIN, GDPRD, Marketlinks: Donors as investment catalysts2024-07-24T13:51:42+02:00

Interview Series on Donor Coordination: Nadine Gbossa, IFAD/UN Food Systems Coordination Hub


How can coordination of donor investments and collaboration be improved, particularly at the country level? What are some good practices on donor cooperation for food systems and rural development? This interview series explores some of the thinking behind these questions. Nadine Gbossa is the Director, Food Systems Coordination, IFAD and Chief, Means of Implementation, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub.

Interview Series on Donor Coordination: Nadine Gbossa, IFAD/UN Food Systems Coordination Hub2024-03-04T14:47:25+01:00

Webinar series by SAFIN and USAID. Session 1 – Small tickets: Big returns


22 February 2024 | 14:00 to 15:00 CET | Virtual. Investors typically shy away from lending to smaller agricultural enterprises because the financial costs and risks often don’t match the financial returns of these investments. The first session of the SAFIN and USAID's ‘Backing the Middle’ webinar series explores this notion

Webinar series by SAFIN and USAID. Session 1 – Small tickets: Big returns2024-03-04T13:55:18+01:00