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Annual General Assembly 2024


This year's Annual General Assembly will take place on 26-27 November 2024, under the theme "Financing Food Systems Transformation and Rural Revitalization: Opportunities and Challenges". We will examine how the international community is rethinking the use of limited Official Development Assistance (ODA) donor resources in food and nutrition. This includes exploring innovative financing, better coordination of donor approaches, and stronger harmonization of stakeholder engagement.

Annual General Assembly 20242024-10-18T15:00:20+02:00

Webinar: Financing Food and Rural Development


26 September 2024 |  15:00-17:00 CET | ZOOM. The Global Donor Platform for Rural Development is organizing a series of webinars to help development actors better understand development finance and donor approaches. The second seminar will present and discuss the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) Report 2024 and implications for donors and development partners

Webinar: Financing Food and Rural Development2024-10-09T02:44:49+02:00

Webinar: Decoding the Fundamentals of Development Finance


26 June 2024 | 15:00-17:00 CET | ZOOM. The Global Donor Platform for Rural Development is organizing a series of webinars to help development actors better understand development finance and donor approaches. The first seminar will provide an overview of the main concepts and terms, current architecture and emerging issues in development finance.

Webinar: Decoding the Fundamentals of Development Finance2024-07-24T13:48:36+02:00

Interview Series on Donor Coordination: Nadine Gbossa, IFAD/UN Food Systems Coordination Hub


How can coordination of donor investments and collaboration be improved, particularly at the country level? What are some good practices on donor cooperation for food systems and rural development? This interview series explores some of the thinking behind these questions. Nadine Gbossa is the Director, Food Systems Coordination, IFAD and Chief, Means of Implementation, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub.

Interview Series on Donor Coordination: Nadine Gbossa, IFAD/UN Food Systems Coordination Hub2024-03-04T14:47:25+01:00

GDPRD 2023 Annual General Assembly Highlights


Key messaging and speaker quotes are captured in this short report of the Annual General Assembly (AGA) convened on 26 and 27 October 2023. The AGA was a chance to celebrate the Platform’s 20th anniversary and reflect on how the donor landscape in agriculture, rural development and food systems has evolved.

GDPRD 2023 Annual General Assembly Highlights2024-07-25T10:50:36+02:00

Interview Series on Donor Coordination: Juan Echanove, CARE International


How can coordination of donor investments and collaboration be improved, particularly at the country level? What are some good practices on donor cooperation for food systems and rural development? This interview series explores some of the thinking behind these questions. Juan Echanove is the Associate Vice-President, Food and Water Systems at CARE.

Interview Series on Donor Coordination: Juan Echanove, CARE International2024-05-29T11:48:32+02:00

Interview Series on Donor Coordination: Iris Krebber, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), UK


There has never been a greater need for coordinated donor investments and collaboration that align with the needs and priorities of partner countries. This interview series explores some of the thinking behind these challenges, and took place alongside the GDPRD's workstream on donor coordination.

Interview Series on Donor Coordination: Iris Krebber, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), UK2024-02-09T15:21:33+01:00

From Rhetoric to Reality: Donor coordination for food systems transformation


There has never been a greater need for coordinated donor investments and collaboration that align with partner countries' needs and priorities. This flagship report is the culmination of a year-long workstream on donor coordination conducted by the GDPRD and includes key messages and recommendations for donors to consider in the way forward.

From Rhetoric to Reality: Donor coordination for food systems transformation2024-07-25T10:34:30+02:00