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Podcast | Sophia Murphy, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy


In our latest segment, Sophia Murphy, Executive Director, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), reflects on twenty years of social protection and the challenges facing political institutions. This podcast explores how we can build a more secure future together.

Podcast | Sophia Murphy, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy2024-03-12T16:38:40+01:00

GDPRD 2023 Annual General Assembly Highlights


Key messaging and speaker quotes are captured in this short report of the Annual General Assembly (AGA) convened on 26 and 27 October 2023. The AGA was a chance to celebrate the Platform’s 20th anniversary and reflect on how the donor landscape in agriculture, rural development and food systems has evolved.

GDPRD 2023 Annual General Assembly Highlights2024-03-15T10:26:04+01:00

Interview Series on Donor Coordination: Juan Echanove, CARE


How can coordination of donor investments and collaboration be improved, particularly at the country level? What are some good practices on donor cooperation for food systems and rural development? This interview series explores some of the thinking behind these questions. Juan Echanove is the Associate Vice-President, Food and Water Systems at CARE.

Interview Series on Donor Coordination: Juan Echanove, CARE2024-03-01T14:12:46+01:00

Understanding the new agriculture and food agenda: How is the past shaping the future?


There has never been a greater need for coordinated donor investments and collaboration that align with partner countries' needs and priorities. This flagship report is the culmination of a year-long workstream on donor coordination conducted by the GDPRD and includes key messages and recommendations for donors to consider in the way forward.

Understanding the new agriculture and food agenda: How is the past shaping the future?2024-02-08T16:37:38+01:00

Podcast | Jaron Porciello


In our latest segment, Jaron Porciello, Co-Director, Hesat2030 and Associate Professor, University of Notre Dame, tells us how AI has already made its mark in the agricultural sector and explores its role in reshaping global food systems. She underscores the need to address corporate ownership and regulation

Podcast | Jaron Porciello2024-03-04T12:10:57+01:00