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ILO Employment Policy Gateway


The Knowledge platform on country-level employment policies and youth employment strategies Links This platform – the only one of its kind – serves as a

ILO Employment Policy Gateway2023-04-12T11:05:27+02:00

African Youth Agripreneurs (AYA) Platform


The African Youth Agripreneurs (AYA) platform is an online community designed to enable networking, learning and sharing for individual young agripreneurs and rural youth organizations. It is is supported by FAO and was launched in August 2021 in collaboration

African Youth Agripreneurs (AYA) Platform2023-04-12T11:07:23+02:00

Swiss Agency is looking for proposals


The Global Programme Food Security of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) has recently opened two Calls for Proposals. The first one is about innovations in urban food systems. The second one focuses on finding solutions for

Swiss Agency is looking for proposals2022-09-23T15:17:14+02:00

The new European consensus on development


Brussels, Belgium - June 2017 The new strategy is the most important measure for the implementation of the Agenda2030 in the European development policy. Originally first published in 2005, the document sets the framework for international cooperation work of

The new European consensus on development2022-08-31T10:17:57+02:00

Platform members prepare to tackle the issue of climate resilient agriculture


Rome, Italy - 12-16 June 2017 The mission of the secretariat to Rome on programmatic and institutional developments was built around the Steering Committee meeting of the Global Alliance for Climate-smart Agriculture (GACSA) with interesting results on IFAD and

Platform members prepare to tackle the issue of climate resilient agriculture2022-08-31T10:11:48+02:00