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Guide on Measuring Decent Jobs for Youth: Monitoring, evaluation and learning in labour market programmes


With this guide, the aim is to equip readers with the basic set of concepts and tools needed to make informed decisions about how best to measure and evaluate the results of youth employment interventions. The entire life cycle

Guide on Measuring Decent Jobs for Youth: Monitoring, evaluation and learning in labour market programmes2022-09-01T15:51:53+02:00

FAO Report: Youth Sensitive Value Chain Analysis


This Youth-sensitive value chain analysis and development guide provides the background information and guidance needed by practitioners for selecting an agricultural value chain with significant potential for youth employment and entrepreneurship and offers tools to conduct context-specific youth employment

FAO Report: Youth Sensitive Value Chain Analysis2022-09-23T13:03:03+02:00

2019 Conference on Land Policy in Africa: Securing Effective Land Tenure Necessary for Africa’s Development


“Effective land governance and management is…indispensable to efforts to promote inclusive and sustainable socioeconomic development in support of Africa’s structural transformation,” such as the continent’s 50-year development plan, Agenda 2063, said Stephen Karingi, Director of the Regional Integration, Infrastructure

2019 Conference on Land Policy in Africa: Securing Effective Land Tenure Necessary for Africa’s Development2022-08-26T17:11:36+02:00