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GDPRD 2023 Annual General Assembly Highlights


Key messaging and speaker quotes are captured in this short report of the Annual General Assembly (AGA) convened on 26 and 27 October 2023. The AGA was a chance to celebrate the Platform’s 20th anniversary and reflect on how the donor landscape in agriculture, rural development and food systems has evolved.

GDPRD 2023 Annual General Assembly Highlights2024-07-25T10:50:36+02:00

Navigating challenges in climate, conflict, and food security


Sophia Murphy is a food systems and international economy expert with 30 years of professional experience. She is currently the Executive Director of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP). This interview is an opportunity for speakers from the 2023 Annual General Assembly to reflect on two decades of rural development and aid effectiveness.

Navigating challenges in climate, conflict, and food security2024-03-12T16:25:17+01:00

Podcast | Jaron Porciello


In our latest segment, Jaron Porciello, Co-Director, Hesat2030 and Associate Professor, University of Notre Dame, tells us how AI has already made its mark in the agricultural sector and explores its role in reshaping global food systems. She underscores the need to address corporate ownership and regulation

Podcast | Jaron Porciello2024-03-04T12:10:57+01:00

The future of AI in food systems


Jaron Porciello is Co-Director of Hesat2030, Associate Professor at the University of Notre Dame. and a close partner of the Donor Platform. Jaron shares her insights on the present and future of artificial intelligence in rural development.

The future of AI in food systems2024-02-09T15:35:14+01:00

In an era of ‘fake’, good data is even more critical


Jo Puri is the Associate Vice-President of Strategy and Knowledge Department at IFAD and a close partner of the Donor Platform. Jo shares her vast experience and insight on all things data and how standard use of good data could be the game-changer in transforming food systems.

In an era of ‘fake’, good data is even more critical2024-02-09T15:33:30+01:00

Podcast | David Laborde


David Laborde, Director of the Agrifood Economics Division at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), talks about how good data in agriculture and food systems can play a role in reshaping food systems, and why this is important to all of us working towards food security.

Podcast | David Laborde2024-03-04T12:20:32+01:00

Data for a better world


Meet our close partner Claire Melamed, Chief Executive Officer, Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD). Claire sees a real opportunity this year to make a breakthrough, for governments and public and private organizations to produce and use data in a systematic and institutionalized way that can power progress at scale towards 2030.

Data for a better world2024-02-09T15:44:31+01:00

Podcast | Claire Melamed


Claire Melamed, CEO at the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD). talks about the importance of accessible, accurate and timely data for agriculture and rural development, crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Podcast | Claire Melamed2024-03-04T12:22:15+01:00