The TP4D group has published a new White Paper for Policy Formulation and Project Implementation on territorial approaches for sustainable development. Released by a group of Platform members and partners, this is an update to the TP4D White Paper of 2018, incorporating lessons learned. The new White Paper is aimed at policymakers, donors, and practitioners by offering recommendations for policy formulation, project design, and governance.

Agenda 2030 with 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets was launched in 2015. However, more than halfway to 2030, most of the goals and targets are far from being achieved. In order to achieve the SDGs, the interlinkages between the SDGs should be acknowledged. They require a multi-level, multi-stakeholder, multi-sector, and whole-of-government approach to governance.
Against this background, territorial approaches are highly relevant. They provide systemic, context-specific, spatially anchored, and inclusive efforts for sustainable development. Territorial approaches bring together multiple SDGs and provide a concrete methodological and operational pathway to overcome isolated approaches. COVID-19 highlighted how vulnerable groups and those living in remote regions can be marginalised in development, relief and mitigation actions. The rights-based and participatory nature of territorial approaches can support the development of more inclusive and equitable long-term solutions.
Following a conference on “Living Territories”, hosted by CIRAD in 2018, a first White Paper was produced by the AFD, AUDA-NEPAD, BMZ, CIRAD, European Commission, FAO, GIZ, OECD, and UNCDF. It was titled “Fostering Territorial Perspective for Development, TP4D”. The paper identified common principles of territorial approaches and described their contributions to policy action, people-centred development, and coherent governance.
TP4D is an informal group of international partners on territorial development issues, which include OECD, European Commission (INTPA), UNCDF, AFD, UN-HABITAT, CIRAD, FAO, UNESCO Chair on Food, Biodiversity and Sustainability Studies, ICLEI, EcoAgriculture Partners and GIZ. The new White Paper is also supported by BMZ, one of the Donor Platform Board members.
The White Paper is available for download in English and French.