Bonn, Germany – 17 January 2017
Three major processes culminated in 2015. The Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development, the replacement of the MDGs by the SDGs and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change created a new framework for development policy – Agenda2030. Following a presentation at the Annual General Assembly, the Platform commissioned a study on the implications of Agenda2030 for the future work of the Platform.

The study examines the changing context for donors engaged in agriculture and rural development towards policies and spending priorities. The inclusion of ending hunger as a specific global goal (SDG2) only strengthens the commitments to support agriculture and food security. But the role of agriculture will go beyond the implementation of this SDG. The sector is important for economic growth and the process of rural transformation and therefore connected to most of the other SDGs. In this context Agenda2030 provides the Platform with an opportunity to refresh its strategic vision on agriculture and rural development.
The analysis of the implications of Agenda2030 was aligned with the development of the Platform’s Strategic Plan 2016-2020. In its new strategy the Platform will coordinate all activities under the different workstreams to support the individual donor’s activities towards the implementation of the SDGs.
New context for donors engagement
With the agreement on Agenda 2030 the context in which donors operate changed drastically. In order to better understand the operational meaning of these changes, the members of the Platform commissioned this study.