8 NOVEMBER 2022, 14:00 CET | VIRTUAL | In English and French

“Supporting Youth Diaspora Entrepreneurship in ACP Countries” is hosted by the ICR Facility. The webinar explores the contribution that young entrepreneurs in the diaspora can have to the socio-economic development of African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.
The interactive webinar will be an opportunity to bring together a diaspora entrepreneur, a public administration official and a representative of an initiative supporting diaspora entrepreneurs in order to showcase their cross-perspectives on the topic. The event will include a panel conversation, a Q&A session and breakout sessions in order to stimulate fruitful interaction between all participants. The following topics will be adressed:
- Main trends regarding youth diaspora entrepreneurship and involvement in ACP countries
- Main obstacles to youth diaspora entrepreneurship in ACP countries
- Initiatives to facilitate youth diaspora entrepreneurship in ACP countries
- Recommendations for policymakers in favor of youth diaspora entrepreneurship