GLOBAL | 6. DECEMBER 2021, 11:00–12:30 | VIRTUAL, CET

©IFAD/Rindra Ramasomanana
Session by the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development
GIZ LandHub Conference 2021
Young people are often excluded from access to land due to economic and cultural constraints, increased land fragmentation or discriminatory customary practices. However, secure access to land is the basic prerequisite for sustainable rural development and integrated management of landscapes. Therefore, measures to secure and strengthen access to land must take greater account of the needs, challenges and potentials of the young generation of future farmers. There is need for enhanced partnership, coordination and synergies among different stakeholders to facilitate the mainstreaming of youth´s land rights components in agricultural value chains and land governance programs to foster its positive effect on youth empowerment and employment.
It is important to understand youth specific challenges and learn from good practice interventions supporting youth access to land. Even if access to land for young people is often not the central aspect in rural development and land governance projects, there is already a wealth of experience gathered by several development organizations.
Inputs will be given by members of the thematic working groups of the Global Donor Platform on Rural Youth Employment and on Land Governance. The session consists of two parts where lessons and insights from various African countries is shared along with practical tools for design and implementation of programs to improve youth access to land.
PART I: Land governance in Africa – Key issues and paths for youth to access land
How to do Note: Access to land for rural youth employment & entrepreneurship
Rahul Antao (IFAD)
Land governance in Africa – Insights from land governance country studies focused on Youth from Malawi, Kenia, Burkina Faso.
Antti Seelaff (consultant/GIZ)
PART II: Practical experience and tools to promote youth access to land
New approaches to promote rural youth participation in securing land access and tenure rights
Javier MolinaCruz (FAO), Maria Paola Rizzo (FAO)
“Generation exchange and farm succession (GenX)”: Introduction of approach to facilitate handing over of farm businesses for access to land for youth developed in Uganda.
Zara Grauer (Andreas Hermes Akademie), Denis Kabiito (UNYFA), Harbert Mawejje (UNYFA)
Please note that registration is not required to attend the GIZ LandHub this year. Instead, we will share the final agenda with open-access links to all online sessions by the end of next week. We hope this will make the GIZ LandHub even more inclusive.