Interpretation will be available in Arabic, English and French.
In the framework of the FAO’s project “Building Resilience in the Sahel Region Through Job Creation for Youth”, funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) of the Federal Republic of Germany, FAO and ODI have organized an event to showcase findings from a forthcoming report. The publication outlines the challenges and opportunities for addressing youth radicalisation in the Sahel, and furthermore, through the report’s findings and recommendations, the research aims at supporting regional programming focused on enhancing rural economies and youth employment opportunities in multi-layered crises’ contexts.
The discussion aims to:
Hold a discussion on how to support the economic transformation and youth employment in rural areas within G5 Sahel countries.
Convene in the discussion, governments, intergovernmental organisations, academia and actors engaged in preventing and countering youth radicalisation.
Disseminate and discuss the report “The intersection between socioeconomic conditions and youth radicalisation: implications for programming in the G5 Sahel countries’’ and its key findings.
Moderator: Dr Rebecca Nadin, OD
Dr Rebecca Nadin, Director, Global Risks and Resilience programme, ODI
Benjamin Davis, Director, Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equality Division, FAO
Leigh Mayhew, Research Officer, Global Risks and Resilience programme, ODI
Bulama Bukarti, Senior Analyst, Extremism Policy Unit, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
Abdoutan Harouna, Socio-anthropologist and PHD Candidate at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) and Laboratoire d’Etudes et de Recherche sur les Dynamiques Sociales et le Développement Local (LASDEL)
Tamara Neskovic, Monitoring and Evaluation Analyst, United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI)