17-20 January 2024 | Berlin, Germany

GFFA 2024
Food Systems for Our Future: Joining Forces for a Zero Hunger World!
Making our food systems fit for the future and implementing the 2030 Agenda will require immense efforts. The international community, all of us, only have seven years left to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. However, according to the latest figures, one person in ten on this planet is suffering from hunger. More than two billion people cannot afford a healthy diet.
Yet in our quest to end hunger and malnutrition across the globe, we are constantly facing new, and ever bigger, obstacles: the climate crisis, biodiversity loss, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, wars and conflicts. Moreover, the multilateral dialogue is still largely overshadowed by Russia’s illegal war of aggression in Ukraine and its consequences for global food security. Please see our background paper for more information.
The GFFA 2024 aims at deepening and strengthening the agri-political dialogue. Around 2000 policymakers, scientists, business leaders and members of civil society will seize the opportunity to discuss and connect. Many GFFA events are public, among them 3 High Level Panek, 16 expert panel, a science slam and the opening ceremony.