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High-level Food Systems Event: Leveraging Change: The Role of Donors in Food Systems Transformation

PLATFORM | 9. SEPTEMBER 2021, 12:30–15:00 | CEST

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Keynote Speaker

Jemimah Njuki

Director for Africa International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)


United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and Coordinator, Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement

Director-General for Development Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy

Assistant to the Administrator, USAID Bureau for Resilience and Food Security

Officer in Charge, Associate Vice-President for External Relations and Governance; Associate Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Director, Green Deal, Digital Agenda, Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA)
European Commission

Ag Director, Knowledge Management and Programme Evaluation (KMPE), Africa Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD)

Chief Executive Officer, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

Director, AgriFoodNexus Consulting; Honorary Research Associate Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford

Senior Sector Specialist, Agricultural Development and Food Security Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) – Australia. Co-chair, GDPRD

Policy Officer, Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA), European Commission; Co-chair, GDPRD


Henry Bonsu

International broadcaster and media consultant

About the event

Donors play a key role in supporting initiatives that form the foundation for collaborative efforts across food systems through their innovations, programming and investments. This independent Food Systems event of the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD) is a contribution to ensure donors and their partners collaborate to realize the full leveraging potential of donor funding.

Optimizing the catalytic and leveraging potential of donor support will be key in responding to the outcomes of the Food Systems Summit (FSS). Donor investments in food systems are relatively small compared to the investments of farmers, food sector businesses and national governments, but they are crucial for enabling and incentivizing other actors to play their part.

The event will:

  • Highlight key elements of donor perspectives on the food systems agenda in response to the UN FSS.

  • Discuss and seek agreement on the key priorities for future donor focus.

  • Discuss some of the most effective modalities for donor coordination going forward.

The event will also launch the GDPRD stocktaking report on “Donor contributions to food systems”, a mapping of the patterns and scale of food systems-related funding and an assessment of the extent donors are embracing a food system framing and aligning their investments to the UN FSS Action Tracks.

12:30–12:40 Opening of event: GDPRD Co-Chair
12:40–13:00 Keynote Speaker: Jemimah Njuki, IFPRI
13:00–14:30 High-level moderated panel
Moderator: Henry Bonsu

WATCH RECORDING ON YOUTUBEHigh-level speakersGerda Verburg, SUN Movement
Giorgio Marrapodi, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy
Jim Barnhart, USAID
Alvaro Lario, IFAD
Carla Montesi, European Commission
Martin Bwalya, AUDA-NEPAD
Andrew Campbell, ACIAR
14:30–15:00 Launch of the GDPRD stocktaking report
Moderator: Henry Bonsu

WATCH RECORDING ON YOUTUBEPresentation by Jim Woodhill, AgriFoodNexus Consulting
Tristan Armstrong and Conrad Rein, Co-chairs of the GDPRD

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